Sexual Health

Your sexual health plays a key role in your physical, mental, and overall health and wellness. At Revive Wellness, affiliated with the Hormonal Health Institute, Erin Gagne, FNP, offers hormone replacement therapy and other wellness treatments to enhance your sexual health and quality of life

What is sexual health?

Your sexual health includes the health of your reproductive organs, sexual desire, and sexual functioning. Maintaining superior sexual health requires having balanced hormones and adopting healthy habits. Revive Wellness can help you improve your sex life using a few simple treatments.

What are the symptoms of sexual health problems?

The common symptoms of sexual dysfunction or hormone imbalance include:

  • Erectile dysfunction and impotence
  • Vaginal dryness and painful sex
  • Lack of sexual desire
  • Low energy levels
  • Unsatisfactory or inability to orgasm

Fortunately, many of these conditions are highly treatable using the simple wellness solutions available at Revive Wellness.

What are common risk factors for sexual health issues?

If you have a sexual health problem, it could be due to one or more of the following risk factors:

  • Hormone imbalance
  • Excess body weight
  • Older age
  • Poor nutrition
  • Lack of exercise
  • Chronic diseases
  • Mental health conditions
  • Excess alcohol consumption
  • Smoking
  • Other unhealthy habits

Living a healthy lifestyle and seeing a wellness specialist routinely can reduce your risk of or treat sexual dysfunction.

How does my provider diagnose sexual health problems?

To diagnose a sexual health problem or its underlying cause, your specialist reviews your symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle habits. They check your pulse, blood pressure, and other vital signs and complete a physical exam. Your provider also orders blood tests to check for hormone imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and chronic diseases or their risk factors.

What are effective treatments for sexual dysfunction?

Treatments that may improve your sexual health include:

Lifestyle changes

Eating nutritious foods, getting regular exercise and plenty of sleep, and keeping stress levels low may improve your sexual health. Revive Wellness offers custom nutrition plans to enhance sexual functioning. Avoid excessive alcohol consumption and smoking.

Dietary supplements

Your Revive Wellness specialist offers dietary supplement advice to improve your nutritional status, overall health, and sexual health.

Hormone therapy

If a sexual health problem results from hormone imbalance, Revive Wellness uses bioidentical hormone replacement therapy to improve sexual functioning.


Revive Wellness offers PT-141 peptide therapy, oxytocin, and other medications that improve ED and additional causes of sexual dysfunction in both men and women.

Medical weight loss

If you carry excess body weight, medical weight loss enhances your sexual health. Revive Wellness offers custom nutrition plans, exercise prescriptions, dietary supplements, weight loss medications, and fat-burning injections.

To improve your sexual health or reduce your risk of sexual dysfunction, schedule an appointment with Revive Wellness by phone or book online today.